Saturday 29 March 2008

Snow in March!!!!

Wow, what a freaky time of year? We actually had snow last week. Okay so it was a flurry for all of about ten minutes but overnight it actually stayed and when my husband went to work at 6 in the morning there was a layer of snow on the cars. Today is brilliant sunshine but freezing. My son and I have been stuck in bed all week with a horrible bug - temperature, headache, stinging runny nose and eyes - not quite a cold but definitely not well. My poor son, along with his autistic disorder he is physically quite weak and sickly just like I was when I was his age. I hate to even consider getting him diagnosed with ME too but tbh he has all the signs. God knows he doesn't need that stigma along with the autistic diagnosis so c'est la vie. All I can do is to do my best to get him to school every day and get him to eat which is a constant challenge and just get thru each day as it comes.

I've just seen a headline about something to do with digging up the Manson ranch looking for more bodies....nearly 40 years on, that's an interesting turn of events. Interesting how crime investigation has moved on, I don't know if they ever even looked at the ranch as being a body dump at the time. Not that there is ever any chance of him being released surely so what difference wd it make to find anything new now. Must go have a look.

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