Thursday 20 March 2008

Heather Mills - for every woman with emotions and feelings

Heather Mills may not be the most perfect person in the world but then I don't believe Paul McCartney is either. The world (or is it just the UK?) seem to hold up Sir Paul as this faultless genius. I personally don't find it hard to believe most of what Heather said about the way Paul behaved while they were living together because I live with someone like that...people that have known him for 30 years or more wd say he's not like that or if he did that you must have driven him to it. Admittedly Heather did not do herself any favours behaving as she has done in a lot of cases but I understand completely being so completely frustrated and depressed dealing with a man so used to getting his own way he won't listen and he won't adapt, sometimes you cannot be perfectly in control. Isn't it amazing how the world is full of apparently perfect people who have never had a hard time and even if they did they'd cope better than she did (you do know sarcasm when you hear it I hope!).

Someone pointed out what a fraud she is because she cd dance on a tv show one day and then turn up in a wheelchair on another day. That is something I can totally relate to living with ME. People see me in a wheelchair one minute then see me walking the next. I am capable of walking but not very far and I get very tired very quickly. That does not mean I am faking it, putting it on for sympathy or any other devious intention behind the simple fact that if you have a disability you have good days and you have bad ones. I completely accept that some days her leg may be just too painful to walk on and by being in her wheelchair she may be able to continue with commitments that otherwise she may have to cancel and yet the press can only condemn her for having feelings. How cd the judge not see how the abuse Paul received in the press when he did try to support her causes alongside her was a huge factor in the disintegration of that relationship. No matter how much Paul tried to support her and love her the press wdn't let him. To someone like Sir Paul, the public image is everything and he eventually began to resent Heather for not being Linda and for not being accepted by his public. Linda wasn't accepted either but she did have the knack of dealing with Paul's ego and staying very much in the background, hence not drawing the press's fire the way Heather has. Heather is certainly no shrinking violet and it's just a shame she never learnt how to let St Paul be the centre of attention he's been for the last 40 years. I still don't believe she set out to get his money, they loved each other to begin with and it was him who wdn't work at it, wdn't make any concessions to her and who ultimately ended the marriage. I know these are not popular opinions but experience has taught me people are never who they seem to be, you don't know what goes on behind closed doors even if you're in the next room. I think the public shd stop holding him up as such a hero and accept that maybe he's just as human as every other husband and that he made mistakes too.

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