Tuesday 23 December 2008


Happy xmas all and please add your comments to my Lynn Gilderdale blog when you can. Lynn's family must be having a very much harder xmas than most of us can imagine and they need to know we are all feeling their pain. At this time of year more than any other we must think of others and offer all the support we can to those in need. I have read many articles that come out of the woodwork when things like Lynn's death happen and every symptom described I can honestly say I have suffered at some point but fortunately not as bad or for as long as someone like Lynn. I am one of the reasonably lucky ones who has come out the other side of the pain, depression, brainfog, etc associated with this illness though I still suffer constantly to some degree. I envy hugely anyone who says they are "cured" of this illness but the truth is many of us never recover a full and functional life. In the wake of Lynn's death it is vital we do not give up the fight and that we persevere with the battle for recognition and better services that are so badly needed.

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