Tuesday 1 April 2008


Yippee after apparently the coldest Easter weekend in 40 years, the sun's out. I feel like a new person today, I actually have energy. There are so many things I want to do I don't know where to start. I've had the chap round this morning to fix the alarm that my husband managed to disconnect last week whilst decorating and the engineer and I had a good bitch about everything that's wrong with this country. It's all very well bitching about it but we British don't actually manage to get much changed do we? I was pleased to hear that someone is at last actually saying they felt the government has over-stated the usefullness of immigrants in this country so hopefully we will stop letting quite so many in. Whilst I appreciate genuine refugees deserve to be helped and if someone is bringing skills that we do not have and is therefore genuinely improving the country then fine but we do have to draw the line somewhere. The engineer was saying how he'd had an altercation with a traffic warden recently who actually said he did not read English!!!!!! How the hell is that acceptable? Anyway I am happy to ignore the outside world today cuz there's more than enough to do round here. I have a pooter I want to get up and running, an old laptop I want to try and resuscitate, lots of holiday video to get onto dvds. That's the trouble with this illness - my life goes on hold for long periods and it's depressing to look at all these things just lying there waiting to be dealt with. Right The Bold and The Beautiful is over I can start on the other important things tee hee.

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