Saturday 26 April 2008

Do Americans realise how lucky they are?

We have just come from Pittsburgh to Cincinnatti and this country just never ceases to amaze me. We ended up staying in Pittsburgh 2 extra days cuz it was just beautiful. Now we arrive in Cincinnatti and that's just as surprising. I haven't had a look round yet but my husband says it's pretty lush. We are here for the Transformers convention which sadly will take up most of the day but it means I get to just chill in the hotel room whilst my son and his father go to the Botcon. (After all there isn't a huge amount worth seeing. I went out to get something to eat and okay it was Sunday but I've seen more life in a graveyard. Plenty of homeless... My husband went down into Kentucky on the hunt for bourbon distilleries but at least my son went over to the convention on his own for the first time ever! so RESULT!) The drive a few days ago from Buffalo to Pittsburgh was great. We took the less main roads down the side of Lake Erie and saw a bit of real rural America. 100+ miles without a single McD's, BK or KFC or chain motels of any kind. Yes folks it can be done! Anyway, crap internet in this hotel so I'm gonna go try and get the brat out of bed. Wish me luck....

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