Monday 1 July 2019

I've had to live with years of my autistic son complaining that a lot of his depression is bc of having to live with the constant screaming rows with his father and now I'm sat here listening to them screaming at each other in just the same way...I hope my son is grasping that it's not my fault for stupidly trying to defend myself all these years, that it's just living with his father is hard!!!!!! My son doesn't like it when I raise my voice but you know what, I don't like it when he does either but he shouts back at his father the same way I do for the same reasons. The wonders of dealing with an undiagnosed schizophrenic and a mildly autistic offspring. They both need to have a fucking good talk to themselves (and I don't mean the idiotic, standing outside on the street even, ranting shit that man does, I mean a serious look at their own fucking behaviour!!!!! I am sick to death of this shit. Nobody shd have to live like this, it's frankly inhuman but I've decided to not pay any attention anymore, that's easiest.

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