Monday 23 February 2009

Children having children!

I've just been watching a chat show discussing the case of this 15yr old having a baby with a 13yr old dad! Where do I start?!?!?!

In my day (sound of creaking bones) the entire concept of allowing a 15yr old to have a child was inconceivable. OK you're stupid or careless enough to get pregnant, why wd you ruin your life and the life of this child by going through with it? I fully accept there are religious considerations for some people and I respect that choice. I personally have no religious leanings whatsoever but my parents wd never have allowed me to screw up my life like this. It's all very rosy for now (let's face it, who can resist a newborn baby?) but in 2 yrs time that "child" which she still is at 15 will have had more than enough when her friends are out clubbing and she can't afford a babysitter. Or no I'll alter that slightly, it's not her life that's screwed it's her mother's! Grandma will be doing everything by then. Forgive me for assuming and there is the remotest chance I cd be wrong but I doubt it.

The discussion came up about the value of prosecuting the 13 yr old father. Phrases like "waste of police time" and "what wd charging him teach him?" or "it's too late now, they've got the baby"....but it's the law!!!! "Waste of police time" - really? There's soooo much wrong with that I won't waste my time. "What wd charging him teach him (or others?)?" - for one thing, it wd hopefully serve to remind him and other teenage boys that it is against the law. Sorry, I forgot the law means nothing, morality means nothing, age means nothing (even the concept of a 13 yr old actually having sex bothers me), there is no sense of responsibility or consequences. Maybe a reminder in the form of an actual followed through prosecution may teach other kids there are consequences for such cavalier behaviour. And "it's too late now", but grandma's going to be doing all the work, so what if the father isn't there for the baby for a few months. At 13 how much can he be there anyway?

Which leads me to what prompted this rant, ok ooooh can't prosecute the poor kids, they've got enough to deal with now they've got this who does pay? PROSECUTE THE PARENTS!!!! Isn't it obvious? If the mother hasn't taught her daughter to keep her legs together and have some self-respect then the mother is the person who needs to be taught responsibility!!! What was she doing allowing these kids to have sleepovers, cd she really be that stupid! When I was that age actually ONCE we were given that opportunity. However we were painfully aware that my friend's parents were immediately downstairs and cd very likely hear everything that was going on and who frequently poked their heads up to see what was going on. We KNEW they were keeping an eye on us so we did nothing. What I remember was the boys trying hard to impress by scaring the girls with spooky stories and how cool we thought we were for being allowed to "sleep" in the same room as boys but nothing was going to happen, tho it was stunning how much mess and noise we cd make! We were kids behaving like kids at 13 but at the same time being credited with a certain amount of responsibility to behave like the adults we wd soon be. True, 2 yrs later wd have been a different story but at 13 we were still kids. Has this mother taught her daughter nothing about sex and the problems associated? With the availability of so many forms of contraception nowadays how cd this possibly happen and why is the natural solution to actually go thru with having it?! Abortion is not a pleasant thing but god it's a helluva lot easier to get over than having a child for the next 18 yrs!!!!!! Prosecute the mother and send a message to others. And prosecute the boy's father who surely must share in the blame for not teaching his son to respect women, to not treat sex as a recreational activity, to understand that sex is something that belongs only in a committed relationship and that having sex with your female friend next door does not constitute a relationship!

Whew that's quite worn me out for the day. Feels better tho. Better than screaming at the telly!

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