Sunday 30 November 2008

busy bloggers

I have discovered recently there are a lot of busy bs (as in 'b'loggers) out there happily proving that just cuz we have this wretched illness it is possible to maintain some contact with the outside world! I've decided the person who invented the concept of blogging is a truly amazing human being and deserves several medals. Few things give me a boost of energy in life quite like the feeling that there are others out there who find life just as difficult and still get through it as I try to do every day. Keeping a sense of humour is so important and anything that can make me laugh about how crap I feel can only be a good thing.

One of these wonderful sources of inspiration had a quote from Helen Keller:
I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble. Every day I wake up thinking I want to do something today, achieve something no matter how small. My husband still doesn't really understand that I set out every morning with a list and I get hugely excited when I actually get any one thing on that list done. You know the old Frank Sinatra song, High Hopes, about the ant moving the rubber tree plant. I am that ant! Small and insignificant but still full of dreams.

(Next time you're found with your chin on the ground)
(There's a lot to be learned so look around)

Just what makes that little ole ant
Think he'll move that rubber tree plant?
Anyone knows an ant can't
Move a rubber tree plant

{But he's got hi-i-igh hopes, he's got hi-i-igh hopes}
{He's got high apple pi-i-ie-in-the-sk-y-y hopes}
So, any time you're gettin' low, 'stead of lettin' go, just remember that ant
Oops, there goes another rubber tree plant

oh and they also pointed us towards this brilliant video someone's made :

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