Friday 13 June 2008

What is wrong with this world?

At the risk of sounding very much older than I am, what the hell is wrong with this world?! Now we run the risk of being killed simply for being in a supermarket!'queue-jumping'-attack.html#continue
I doubt anyone has not become aware of this tragic story about a lovely bloke who wdn't have hurt a fly being felled by not even the woman who apparently was so afronted by someone jumping the queue but by her boyfriend who in fact had nothing to do with it! It never ceases to amaze me how selfish this country has become but this is ridiculous. So what, someone pushes in ahead of you. Yes it's annoying, yes it's wrong, and by all means say something to them but to call your boyfriend to come and beat the person up is beyond ridiculous. And then to not even ensure that he gets the right person to attack! The saddest thing is it turns out Kevin Tripp was an ME sufferer who had dealt with years of struggling with this illness and was a local ME campaigner who wd most likely have not even had the energy or inclination to pick a fight with anyone so it's all the more unfair that anyone shd attack him in this way. How have we arrived in a situation in this country where every single person apparently seems to consider themselves altogether more important than every other person.

In fact most people seem to think they are the only people in the world, they certainly drive like it. I am constantly amazed how most people ever passed their test when they apparently have no concept of what those funny white lines are on the road (if they even see them at all), no concept of right of way or lanes or indicating. I was behind a woman this morning who was doing 20 miles an hour in the outside lane, changed lanes twice across me without indicating or looking and then stopped albeit momentarily over the crossing on a green light! I don't know where her mind was but it certainly wasn't on her driving and of course when I did honk her to wake up she looks at me like I'm the one doing something wrong. This stupid girl the other day on her mobile phone just walks out into the road as I came round a corner - how I didn't hit her I cdn't tell you - but she cd still manage to turn round and stick her middle finger up at me. This seems to be the attitude these days, I can do what I like and you're wrong for objecting to it. The best one the other day was an old woman (who frankly was obviously far too old to still be on the road) began to turn right into the lane I was in which was actually the wrong side of the road! I tried to tell her she was turning in the wrong place, that she wd be on the wrong side of the road, that she cd not turn there and all she did was to continue to turn even though it clearly placed her head on to the oncoming traffic and a huge accident was about to happen and then she started waving angrily at me to get out of her way. It just didn't cross her mind that she was in the wrong. My father who was in the car thought it was almost funny. He commented "what did she think you were trying to say to her?" and the answer wd be that she obviously didn't care what I was trying to say to her, all she cd see was that I was in HER way. Obviously the problem is me, I am still capable of considering everyone else before myself. Sadly there ain't many of us left.

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