Sunday 19 April 2015

Free will.

Oh dear that's set me off, on THE BIG QUESTION, this girl says as a young woman she has no free will as to where she goes and what she does bc of what men do. That is so sad. We all have free will, my life is not ruled nor has it ever been by what other ppl do. A perfect example, in the pub yesterday this girl walks in with these horrible almost see through leggings that are basically tights and shdnt be worn by themselves in my opinion. Not bc she was exposing herself, but bc I just don't want to see her knickers and it doesn't fit my criteria for being dressed. My husband cd not help but stare and drool. However I can guarantee that he wd not under any circumstances be following her out of the pub and raping her!!!!! I frankly admired her exuding confidence, she had a great figure and being in a pub on her own, but she cd have looked just as good without us having to see her underwear. There are bad men and bad women, when young girls are told not to walk down a dark alley on their own, it's simply a matter of not putting yrself in a position of danger, that applies to a lot of public places too. She had absolutely free will to dress as she did and honestly, the confidence that oozed from her added to the overall appeal, I just feel it's common decency. The one thing that completely destroyed the look was the great big label sticking out between her butt cheeks from her knickers!!!! At least I hope it was a label.... Another example is Alex Polizzi on the hotel inspector. Must be the Italian in her but she's always got her tits hanging out and I find it distasteful. Nice as they are I don't want to see them. She clearly has no fears of being attacked by a man bc of what she wears. The attitude that you have no free will as a young woman bc men do bad things I think is the greatest cop out ever. Stop blaming everyone else in the world for the choices you make. Free will is available to all, whether you choose to exercise that free will is entirely your own choice.