Sunday 11 May 2008

Home "sweet" home?

I can't decide whether I'm ever happy to be home again. I love the touring we do, all the new places to see, the hotels as long as they're decent, not having to cook LOL. But there's always a little voice in the back of my head that says you must go home soon and when we get back it's with mixed feelings to find everything right where you left it and the same old house and life has to return to normal.

Our dear furry one has been a busy boy this time, at least two mice and a bird in the kitchen. How nice! I know it's only natural but my other cat was 17 when he died and I don't ever once recall him bringing in a mouse or a bird or in fact doing anything with one if you put it down in front of him. He just didn't have the instinct whereas this little monster does it in protest quite regularly if we don't provide him with sufficient food or for that matter the exact taste he wants when he wants it. Still coming back after three weeks away to find the house strewn with dead bodies was bit much. Thankfully husband very good at disposing of the remains cuz sure as eggs is eggs my son and I aren't touching it.

Also our famously unfinished driveway is now sprouting weeds cuz of the heat. Great, just more work to get it finished properly...that is=if we can ever agree on how to finish it anyway. What's it been now, nearly three years. Is that any kind of record and shd we be "proud" if it is? Well at least we can and do use it so it's not a complete waste of time. With the summer months coming up the parking gets insane around here so at least I can park within a mile of home grrrr. You
don't get traffic wardens up here so people park everywhere which tends to render my disabled badge somewhat irrelevant. Even the double yellow lines are occupied. Sadly people are very selfish.

Hey ho another yearly jaunt out of the way and plenty of video to relive.